Radiation Science and Technology (RST) includes the generation and applications of various radiations such as neutron, electron, ion, x-ray, and gamma ray utilizing the radiation interaction with matters.
The research fields of the RST in our department include 1) utilizations of neutron and x-ray scattering to understand the structures and dynamics of nano/bio materials in multiple length and time scales (A-nm-μm, fs-ps-ns-μs), 2) synthesis of novel materials and modification of material properties by irradiation, and 3) studies on the radiation damage of nuclear structural materials and fabrication of radiation-resistant materials, 4) and development of state-of-art radiation sources and instruments such as cold neutron source and scattering instruments, advanced electron/ion accelerators, and synchrotron radiation facility. The RST is highly multi-disciplinary involving physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science as well as nuclear engineering, and will be the key element for the progress of sciences, technologies, and industries including future nuclear reactors and nuclear safety. It should be noted that the importance of the RST is ever increasing as new science and technology in 21st century require more fundamental understanding and sophisticated control of new materials.