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Nuclear and Quantum Engineering,
Save the Earth and Save a Life
Visit the website of the Department of Nuclear and
Quantum Engineering
We sincerely welcome you.
  • The Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, established in 1980, has become one of the most competitive nuclear engineering departments in the world. So far, the department has produced 1,695 graduates, accounting for more than 50% of nuclear engineering PhD graduates within Korea. Around 40% of nuclear engineering faculty members hired recently in Korea are graduates from our department.
  • We concentrate all department’s capabilities on cultivating creative engineers with new engineering knowledge for accident-free and carbon-neutral nuclear technology, including nuclear fusion and plasma technology. Besides, we constantly strive to develop cutting-edge radiation diagnosis technologies that contribute to a healthier life even in an aging society.
The department is vigorously pursuing to solve the long-standing challenges of the mankind, climate change and human health in the 21st century.
Head of Department 장동찬