We are directing our efforts toward better utilizing radiation for medicine and towards bringing new engineering technologies for such utilizations.
Radiological technologies have greatly been innovated and improved to benefit medicine for the last several decades. Radiation-based medical imaging modalities such as X-ray radiography, computed tomography, single photon emission computed tomography, and positron emission tomography are playing key roles in modern medicine including diagnosis of diseases, interventional procedures of therapy, and prognostic evaluations. Radiation therapy is another field of medicine that clinically uses the interaction of radiation with human body to cure patient’s diseases such as cancer. Recent progress in radiation therapy techniques is largely due to successful translations of the imaging information to the therapeutic efficiency. Radioisotopes and radiopharmarceuticals are also actively researched in seek of imaging and therapeutic applications. We have a breadth of research interests in these radiological technologies for medicine. In particular, we are heavily investigating fundamental technologies of radiomedical systems including but not limited to: source technology, detector technology, and software technology. In addition, we provide our trainees rich opportunities to experience clinical and industrial environments so that they can cultivate their research ideas and can equip themselves with a sound background in medical physics and engineering for their future career in this field.