* 3-year PhD work contrat at CEA Tech, INES (National Solar Energy Institut), Chambéry, France.
* Link to thesis subject : http://www-instn.cea.fr/en/education-and-training/research-training/phd-programs/list-of-thesis-subjects/numerical-and-experimental-studies-of-a-combined-cooling-and-power-cycle%2c19-0770.html
* About CEA and the NUMERICS scholarship: http://numerics.cea.fr/Pages/Numerics/Numerics%20program/Numerics-PhD.aspx
* Gross salary: The monthly gross salary amounts to €2,043.54 in years 1 and 2, and to €2,104.62 in year 3
* Contact: Dr. PHAN Hai Trieu/ haitrieu.phan@cea.fr
* Eligibility conditions
Before applying to the NUMERICS program, all applicants should verify that they meet the following criteria: