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[Award] Yejin Kim (Prof.Seungryong Cho) won the Young Investigator Award at 60th Annual Conference of PTCOG​


Yejin Kim, a PhD candidate in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Lab, has received the Young Investigator Award at the 60th Annual Conference of PTCOG (Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group) held in Miami, USA during 6.27 ~ 7.2. PTCOG has an internationally leading authority in the community of particle radiation physics, biology, system engineering, and clinical cancer therapy. Over 1300 researchers have attended the meeting in-person this year. Yejin has presented a paper titled “Predicting Radiation-Induced Lymphopenia in Lung Cancer Patients across Institutions after Treatment with Photon- and Proton-based Radiotherapy”. She has conducted a joint research project under the supervision of Prof. Clemens Grassberger at MGH. The paper highlights the significant relationship between the immune response and radiation therapy, and promises great progress in immune-radiotherapy down the road.