Success in developing core parts for MRI PET with domestic technologies.(Prof. Cho Gyuseong)
YTN NEWS [Ancor introduces] Medical Imaging Devices, such as MRI and PET which deals with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other brain-related injuries' disease …
Prof. Soon Heung Chang was inaugurate as the 24th President of the KNS.
Professor Soon Heung Chang in Dept. of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, KAIST, was inaugurated as the 24th President of the Korean Nuclear Society (KNS) on September 1, 2011. Professor Chang…
[Personnel Notice] Professor Nam Zin Cho was appointed as 'Chair Professor" ...
Professor Nam Zin Cho was appointed as 'KEPCO Chair Professor' starting from September 1st, 2011. Prof. Cho received his B.S. in nuclear engineering from Seoul National University and Ph.D.…
[Book] Nuclear Silk Road(Kim Byung-Koo)
UAE's Khalifa University Dept. of Nuclear Engineering Students' Field Trip at KAIST
5 Master's Degree Program students and Professor Addad from the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the UAE's Khalifa University and one ENEC scholarship student visited Korea from July 4, 2011 t0 …
[New Faculty] Man-Sung Yim(from Aug. 1, 2011)
Bachelor degree: Seoul National University, Korea, 1977-1981, Nuclear Engineering Master degree: Seoul National University, Korea, 1981-1983, Nuclear Engineer…